Ink on paper, mounting on silk
28.8 × 96 cm (33.2 x 176 cm)
Signature: Syunsō (1751-1835)
(I wish) The happiness and the longevity
10,000 springs (for everybody)
Daikoku is one of seven gods of happiness in Japan. It is said that one Daikoku is already good for happiness and prosperity, so 3 Daikoku in one form is much stronger. This one has a face of Daikoku in the middle, the right has a face of Bishamonten, and the left has a face of Benzaiten.
Shunsō was a leader monk of Myōshin-ji temple (Rinzai Sect) in Kyoto. He left many calligraphies and zen-ga. He left many zen-ga, and this motif’s paintings also. Probably he prayed the peaceful happiness for everybody.